Sunday, July 17, 2016

Adaleta Avdic

Today on the show we are joined by Adaleta Avdic, local blogger and Youtuber in Tucson. We talk to her about her work online, her travels, interests, catch up on Game of Thrones, get a glimpse into her corner of the Internet.

Find her on the web:
Social Media: @adaatude

Special thanks to for the intro music:
"Music: Dubstep -"

Adaleta Avdic

Monday, July 11, 2016

What Isn't It Called "Beeth"??

A late coming Father's Day episode where the gang talks about crazy Father's Day experiences, the positives of Phoenix Comic Con, deadlysodium's fierce breakdown of E3, and more!

Special thanks to for the intro music:
"Music: Dubstep -"

What Isn't It Called "Beeth"??